CBD for Pain, Irritability, and Anxiety
I have recently incorporated more CBD products and therapies into my life - with great results! In this article, I am going to share the ways I have explored CBD and highlight how you can easily follow a similar path to your own personal self-healing.
Over the last several months, life has thrown me some lemons - thank you, adulthood! I have recently experienced bouts of severe lower back pain, feelings of malaise and irritability, and anxiety. However, I have been able to apply CBD to each of these issues and have found relief through this approach.
My hope is that this content is helpful for you as you consider your own relationship with the healing properties of CBD. Let’s get started!
CBD for Pain
A few weeks ago, I experienced a seemingly-random bout of lower back pain. It was one of those things where I simply bent down and felt a random jolt of pain… and couldn’t easily stand back up! The pain persisted for over 72 hours and I was practically unable to walk, do chores around the house, or drive. For someone who is “go go go” like me, this back pain was frustrating. I felt like my days were being wasted lying down and I wasn’t able to knock anything off my to-do list. Even writing was difficult because I wasn’t able to come up with anything creative or inspired when I was constantly preoccupied with the pain.
Super CBD Dragon Balm… the real deal!
Then, my Mom reminded me that my Dad, a few weeks prior, was able to ease his own back pain by using a CBD topical that was available at a pot shop in our neighborhood. My sister offered to drive me to the dispensary and I picked up this amazing product, the Super CBD Dragon Balm by Ceres, which was my path to pain-free living!
This stuff is not a panacea, per se, but when paired with regular application and some deep massage by my husband, I am happy to report that I was able to get back to normal. Each morning and evening, my husband would use the balm and give me a deep massage in my shoulders and lower back. This allowed me to elongate my back and provided a shield against the sudden muscle spasms that I had been experiencing before. Once I started feeling a little bit better, I’d carry the balm with me in my purse when I went out and would re-apply when I used the restroom.
I am truly thankful that CBD is now legal and easily available in my home state of Washington. I can’t help but think that this product is going to help so many people who are experiencing pain, from minor aches and pains to back spasms to chronic pain.
I will certainly keep exploring other CBD topical brands, as well. From now on, I intend to have some form of CBD topical in my medicine cabinet!
CBD for Irritability
I have even recently used CBD therapy to help me overcome some irritability and malaise I was feeling after a few rainy weeks here in Washington. This endeavor was particularly fun because I decided to get a professional CBD massage and it was truly what I needed!
Well, I can’t take all the credit for the idea. I decided to get a professional CBD massage after some dear friends got me a gift card to the massage clinic to help me work through some stress. You guys, find yourself friends like these!
Anyway, on a dreary, grey, rainy Saturday, I drove to Rapture Massage and Bodyworks (located in Tacoma, WA) to redeem my gift card and receive their CHABA Massage. The massage itself was a decadent aromatic and physical experience.
As Thích Nhất Hạnh knows, it’s all about returning to our breath and what makes us smile!
For 60 minutes, the masseuse rubbed CBD-infused lotions into my back, legs, scalp, glutes, feet - you name it! I was able to remain mindful throughout the experience and was aware of the fact that the irritability and stress I had been feeling prior to my visit were starting to waft away. I almost forgot where I was. And when the end of the session came, I felt as peaceful as Thích Nhất Hạnh himself as I slowly opened my eyes and smiled.
After the massage, as I was walking to my car, I realized that I had originally mischaracterized the day by classifying it as simply rainy and dreary. In fact, the fall leaves were showing their best, wild fall colors and I was able to admire the feeling of the cold air on my face. I drove to my parent’s house after the massage and my Mom said, “You look happy!”
The CBD lotion was interacting with the cannabinoid receptors in my skin cells in a way that was culminating in relaxation and reduction of tension throughout my entire body. This reduction in physical irritation was coupled with a reduction in my own mental irritation. The body and mind are unavoidably connected, after all!
It’s amazing that an intentional application of CBD was able to turn my day around. For 60 minutes and probably $75-90, you can, too! My goal is to revisit a CHABA massage at least once every 3 months. This is definitely going to be a part of my optimal self-care and demonstration of self-love moving forward.
CBD for Anxiety
Like many Millenials, I live with anxiety.
Side-tangent: I recently had a conversation with some coworkers about the whole “anxious Millennial” paradigm and we wondered about the context of the correlation… is it that Millennials have higher rates of anxiety because we know how to define anxiety or are compelled to speak about it due to reduced stigma around mental health? Or is it because we have incorporated every new form of technology into our lifestyles and never get to unplug? Perhaps all of the above? Comment and let me know your thoughts! This is a topic I plan to continue to explore...
Throughout my education and career, I have developed small measures and behaviors to help to mask my anxiety. For example, when I am nervous or anxious, the skin on my chest and neck turns a deep shade of red that is noticeable from across the room… so you can bet that I have 30+ scarves and many “high neck” blouses to hide my neck at strategic times. A high-neck blouse and a blazer is basically my ride-or-die interview outfit.
I also realize that since high-school, I have used alcohol as a means for getting through my social anxiety at get-togethers and parties. This strategy allowed me to interact with others without my usual anxiety, although it was probably grating, on occasion, to my friends and partners. This is one of the many reasons that I appreciate intentional cannabis use - cannabis allows me to work through social anxiety through natural means instead of consuming unhealthy amounts of alcohol.
However, now that I am getting older, I am realizing the importance of healing and treating my anxiety as opposed to simply masking it. This is where CBD comes in.
Fast-tabs: A great pathway to a happier you
I recently purchased some CBD tablets to help me deal with anxiety. I decided to work on this issue because I was starting a new job and wanted to be proactive about my anxiety so that it would not get in the way of delivering a positive attitude and fresh perspective to my new endeavor.
I have used the Green Revolution Fast Tabs (Happiest Self) to get my daily dose of CBD for anxiety mitigation. They come in a little pill jar that resembles all of the other bottles in my medicine cabinet. And because these are “fast-tabs”, they dissolve in your mouth - you don’t even need to take water with them, making this a great on-the-go option!
Along with hearing some good reviews from trusted budtenders, I was also drawn to this CBD pill option because of the packaging. The packaging itself evokes happiness through the use of a soft pink and butterflies, which is essentially the feeling I was craving. And, in my opinion, the fast-tabs lived up to the packaging; after taking them, I felt like the sun had come out!
The effects of CBD can be subtle, but essentially, the introduction of CBD cannabinoids (and a small dose of THC to activate the CBD) encourages the body to achieve internal homeostasis (read: peace). When your body is at peace, you are in a better position to focus on the task at hand, free of physical or mental impediments.
CBD Resources
There is a lot of information coming out about CBD these days, but that doesn’t mean that all of it is well-founded or reputable. For this reason, if you are interested in learning more about CBD and incorporating it into your life, I would recommend finding quality electronic resources that can help you understand the science of CBD. Here are two resources that I use and trust:
Check out their easy-to-consume and accurate look into the CBD cannabinoid, “What is CBD?”
Additionally, my friend Joyce Gerber of The Canna Mom Show, has also recently featured a podcast episode about the wonders of CBD. In the episode, she interviews Marie Evan, the owner of CBD business Get Colette, who talks about CBD’s ability to provide real relief to the lives of women. Check it out for an inspirational listen about the power of CBD and some awesome products you can try! Additionally, Marie is all about making CBD accessible to folks who would otherwise be hesitant about using cannabis therapy, which is so important right now! You go, girl!
New to CBD and want to learn more about how it works? Check out my blog post, “So... What Does CBD Do, Exactly?”